
How to Install The Silo door on Silo Bin

#silobindoor  https://goo.gl/tmCXB8

Shelley Brand flat bottom silos bins are composed of silo roof, manhole, roof handrail, natural vent, inside and outside ladder, ladder safety guard, inside and outside stiffener, silo door, silo door platform, sweeper, bucket elevators, dust collectors, temperature moisture controller, storage level indicator and storage control system.  All of them are integrated into the seamless system to keep you  grain storage automatic, safe, efficiently and effectively. All parts are of grain bins made with standard and high quality materials in the strict process and quality control. .



Galvanized Grain Silo Installation in Shandong Province

Galvanized grain silo project is on the installation in Dongping city, Shandong province these days. This galvanized grain silo project...