
Galvanized Grain Silo Installation in Shandong Province

Galvanized grain silo project is on the installation in Dongping city, Shandong province these days.
This galvanized grain silo project includes 2 sets of 1600m3 concrete bottom corn storage silos, 50t /h grain cleaning system and dedusting system, 2 sets of 50t/h grain bucket elevators with support tower for vertical transportation, 5 sets of 50t/h grain drag chain conveyors for horizontal transportation, ventilation system, temperature monitoring system, level indicator, waterproof round type grain spout, related connection parts and Electric Control System.
+86 18653877118

Galvanized grain silo accessories specifications

Cleaning and dedusting system

Double drum pre-cleaner
Air processing capacity: 2500m3/h, Cleaning rate ≥85%
2-SKL750, Air processing capacity: 3850-5720m3/h
Airlock( Airshutter)
TGFY9, 24r/min
Impulse deduster
TBLM52, Filtration velocity: 1-3m/min
Filter area: 38m2 Air processing capacity: 7500-9050m3/h
Dedusting Fan
4-72№4A, Air processing capacity: 4047-7471m3/h
Dedusting Pipe network
Magnetic Drum
TCXT30, Magnetic force>3500GS

Ventilation system

Blower: 4-72№5A, 2900r/min, Air processing capacity: 7728-15455m3/h, used at the bottom of silo to blow the air into silo;
Suction fan: T35-11,1450r/min, used on the roof of silo, used to suct the air out from silo;
Ventilation pipe: Circular ventilation pipe with holes

Temperature monitoring system

There are sensors every 2.5m on each cable from top to the bottom; One set of software .

Level indicator

ZL-II, Blocking-rotating type, 2sets per silo

Electric Control System

Electric control cabinet will be put next to the bucket elevator of this system;
We select domestic high-quality electronic components(Zhengtai) for the Electric control cabinet, GB;
Contains all the cables, threading and trunking from electronic control room to the equipment;


Maize silos installation in Jiangsu province

Maize silos( corn storage silos, maize storage silos) project is on the installation in Jiangsu province these days.

This maize silos project includes 2 sets of 300m3 maize storage silos with 50t /h grain bucket elevators for vertical transportation, tower to support the bucket elevator and easy maintenance, 50t/h grain drag chain conveyors for horizontal transportation, waterproof round type grain spout, and related connection parts.

+86 18653877118

Galvanized Grain Silo Installation in Shandong Province

Galvanized grain silo project is on the installation in Dongping city, Shandong province these days. This galvanized grain silo project...